Abstract: As the electronic cigarette industry enters the 2.0 era with an increased level of scale and automation, small and medium-sized enterprises find themselves grappling with survival pressures. The global market for electronic vaporization products is experiencing rapid growth, with China leading in manufacturing capabilities. For owners of small and medium-sized enterprises, navigating long-term development in a fiercely competitive market emerges as a new challenge. The article posits that the future mainstream lies in refillable electronic cigarettes, driven by three key factors: environmental considerations, reducing the use of disposable e-cigarette batteries; simplicity of operation, convenient portability, and enhanced user experience; controllable raw materials, ensuring a high level of safety. It underscores that refillable electronic cigarettes represent the primary trend for the future, urging businesses to seize the opportunity to contribute to the nation's economic growth while accumulating wealth for the people.

电子烟经过近年的高速发展,接连涌现出百亿,十亿市值的行业航母,电子烟进入2.0时代 ,随着行业龙头品牌效应的突现,规模化自动化程度越来越高,留给小企业的时间越来越少, 中小企业主如何笑着活下来,是大家必须面对的新课题。

Thriving Amidst the Electronic Cigarette 2.0 Era: Strategies for Small and Medium-sized Business Owners to Navigate with a Smile.



    对于中心小企业主来说, 如何在市场中站稳脚跟并长远发展?什么才是未来市场的主流, 我个人认为,换弹电子烟才是未来的主要旋律。 为什么呢, 原因有三:

1、 环保需求

行业大佬爱奇迹去年就开始主推16MM换弹, 除了合法合规的硬性需求,更多的是为减少一次性电子烟的电池用量, 相对于一次性电子烟,换弹设备可重复使用的电池, 大大减少了一次性烟对电芯的需求, 电芯作为近代工业的重要污染源, 在此我们不用多说, 减少电芯的使用, 就是为保护环境作出了重要贡献。

Thriving Amidst the Electronic Cigarette 2.0 Era: Strategies for Small and Medium-sized Business Owners to Navigate with a Smile.


2、 操作简单, 携带方便


Thriving Amidst the Electronic Cigarette 2.0 Era: Strategies for Small and Medium-sized Business Owners to Navigate with a Smile.



重要的事情说三遍, 换弹、换弹、换弹。未来的突破口就是换弹。 风口就在眼前,机遇稍纵即逝,希望大家跟上风口, 为国创汇,为民聚财。

Thriving Amidst the Electronic Cigarette 2.0 Era: Strategies for Small and Medium-sized Business Owners to Navigate with a Smile.


我是电子烟外贸业务波哥, 欢迎同行交流拍砖。


原文始发于微信公众号(沁心通配):Thriving Amidst the Electronic Cigarette 2.0 Era: Strategies for Small and Medium-sized Business Owners to Navigate with a Smile.

电子雾化与HNB产品都是新型电子产品,结构虽小,却融合应用多种材料、表面处理、芯片电子等技术工艺,而且雾化技术一直在不断更迭,供应链在逐步完善,为了促进供应链企业间有一个良好的对接交流,艾邦搭建产业微信群交流平台,欢迎加入;Vape e-cigarettes (VAPE) and Heat-Not-Burn e-cigarettes (HNB) are both emerging electronic products. Despite their compact size, they integrate various materials, surface treatment technologies, chip electronics, and other advanced technical processes. Moreover, atomization technology is constantly evolving and the supply chain is being progressively perfected. To facilitate good communication and networking among supply chain enterprises, Aibang has established an industry WeChat group communication platform and warmly welcomes interested enterprises to join.

Vape HNB 低温本草 草本雾化 CBD 品牌 成品工厂 渠道商 物流 贸易 atomizer core 发热丝 陶瓷雾化芯 发热片 成品雾化芯 雾化器 烟嘴 烟油 香精 储油棉 玻纤管 纸管 降温段 SMT 方案商 方案设计 咪头 电芯 电池 mcu 芯片 mos管 PCB 显示屏 pin针 磁铁 线材 马达 电子元件 连接器 工业设计 防伪 塑胶件 塑料 原材料 PCTG 透明尼龙 PPSU PEEK 硅橡胶 密封件 注塑 模具 模具设计 表面处理 IMD/IML 五金 铝管 不锈钢管 压铸 铝外壳 铝挤 玻璃仓 外观件 3D玻璃 包装 厚膜印刷设备 注塑机 自动化设备 整线 烟弹组装 包棉机 注油机 压盖机 包装设备 贴标机 认证 检测 检测设备 激光设备 烧结炉 加工设备 设备配件 加工耗材 充电器 实体店 评测 自动售货机 媒体 医用雾化器 电子产品 其他