Abstract: Buddy possesses "locking" patents in both the United States and China, identified as the "Locking Patent" with patent numbers US9999254 B2 and CN206119181U, respectively. These patents pertain to a locking structure utilized in plug-in locking-type mouthpieces and electronic cigarette vaporizers. Presently, authorization has been granted to GREEN THEMIS LLC, a subsidiary of AVEO, with both parties sharing implementation and protection rights. Unauthorized manufacturing, usage, or sale of products covered by the Locking Patent by any entity or individual will be considered an infringement, prompting Buddy to take legal measures to combat such violations. Buddy stands as a leading provider of core technological solutions in the electronic vaporization industry, holding ISO certification as well as certifications such as CE, RoHS, and FCC. Recently, the company initiated a patent infringement dispute against a company suspected of infringement, launching investigative actions and preparing legal measures to safeguard intellectual property and uphold commercial order.


A solemn statement on locking down patent infringement rights

博迪集团拥有名为“一种拔插锁紧式烟嘴、电子烟雾化器及电子烟”的美国专利与中国专利(下称“锁死专利”),专利号分别为:US9999254 B2,CN206119181U。
目前此专利已授权AVEO所属公司GREEN THEMIS LLC(下称“GT”)使用,双方共同享有此专利实施权和保护权除博迪和GT外,任何单位和个人未经博迪许可,擅自制造、使用、销售、许诺销售依照博迪锁死专利直接获得的产品均属侵害博迪专利权,博迪将依法严厉打击这一侵权行为。

A solemn statement on locking down patent infringement rights

博迪作为行业领先的电子雾化核心技术解决方案提供商拥有先进的生产设施、专注的研发专家团队和经验丰富的管理人员,致力于打造尖端的电子雾化产品和解决方案,目前博迪已全面通过ISO 13485, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 18000, GMP, QS体系认证,并拥有几百项CE, RoHS, FCC等认证。
2016年10月17日,博迪向国家知识产权局提交了名为“一种拔插锁紧式烟嘴、电子烟雾化器及电子烟” 的实用新型专利申请。该专利于2017年4月26日正式获得授权,专利号为CN206119181U。该专利目前依然有效不仅为博迪研发和营销电子烟产品提供了法律保护,也促使博迪产品在国际市场上蓬勃发展,尤其是在日本、欧洲和美国,占据了可观的市场份额。

A solemn statement on locking down patent infringement rights

原文始发于微信公众号(博迪集团):A solemn statement on locking down patent infringement rights

电子雾化与HNB产品都是新型电子产品,结构虽小,却融合应用多种材料、表面处理、芯片电子等技术工艺,而且雾化技术一直在不断更迭,供应链在逐步完善,为了促进供应链企业间有一个良好的对接交流,艾邦搭建产业微信群交流平台,欢迎加入;Vape e-cigarettes (VAPE) and Heat-Not-Burn e-cigarettes (HNB) are both emerging electronic products. Despite their compact size, they integrate various materials, surface treatment technologies, chip electronics, and other advanced technical processes. Moreover, atomization technology is constantly evolving and the supply chain is being progressively perfected. To facilitate good communication and networking among supply chain enterprises, Aibang has established an industry WeChat group communication platform and warmly welcomes interested enterprises to join.

Vape HNB 低温本草 草本雾化 CBD 品牌 成品工厂 渠道商 物流 贸易 atomizer core 发热丝 陶瓷雾化芯 发热片 成品雾化芯 雾化器 烟嘴 烟油 香精 储油棉 玻纤管 纸管 降温段 SMT 方案商 方案设计 咪头 电芯 电池 mcu 芯片 mos管 PCB 显示屏 pin针 磁铁 线材 马达 电子元件 连接器 工业设计 防伪 塑胶件 塑料 原材料 PCTG 透明尼龙 PPSU PEEK 硅橡胶 密封件 注塑 模具 模具设计 表面处理 IMD/IML 五金 铝管 不锈钢管 压铸 铝外壳 铝挤 玻璃仓 外观件 3D玻璃 包装 厚膜印刷设备 注塑机 自动化设备 整线 烟弹组装 包棉机 注油机 压盖机 包装设备 贴标机 认证 检测 检测设备 激光设备 烧结炉 加工设备 设备配件 加工耗材 充电器 实体店 评测 自动售货机 媒体 医用雾化器 电子产品 其他